Welcome to Ambassador Reports

Shadows of WCG: Stan speaks out! -(link)

Thank you, J, for highlighting my comment on Tkach's lifetime lack of disclosure of the WCG Church Association Bylaws and lack of full financial disclosures to the WCG membership. These HQ financials should be made freely available to the membership on a periodic basis - the full, proper accounting form of written, verifiable financial statements - not incomplete, possibly misleading chit-chat from the WCG treasurer.

I created this blog spot with the intention of having a place to voice news and opinions on a variety of subjects of interest to me, and hopefully to the reader, which includes what is happening in the Churches of God.

Keeping the above in mind, I prefer not to make this blog a full time crusade - posting more on an occasional, part-time basis. Now is as good a time as any to get the ball rolling. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

Stan Gardner

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


It's not just HQ that's not being willing to be up front with the membership about offerings and what's being done with them. The local congregations (at least this one) bears watching as well.

While we were just shown a budget for this year recently, we have never been told how last year's funds were actually spent. It's one thing to say you plan to do something; actually doing it is another thing entirely.

After our previous experiences with the WCG under HWA, you would think a minister would know better than to say give your money to Jesus and let it go, and expect people to just go along with it.